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Hunter Biden Timeline : The life, lies and legal woes.

Hunter Biden Timeline : The life lies and legal woes.

June, 1998

Hunter Biden then the 18-years-old son of Shen.Joe Biden (D-DE), is arrested on charges of illegal drug possession but skirt on prison time.

May, 2013

the Navy admit hunter as reserve with two waivers. One for his advanced age and another for his prior drug arrest.

February, 2014

Hunter is discharged from the US Navy reserve after testing positive for cocaine. 

July, 2014

then wife Katheleen Bully discovered Hunter's photos of prostitutes will he is in rehab. 

July, 2015

Buhle Discover Hunter's crack pipe In their  home and tells him he cannot stay until he is sober 

December 9, 2016

Buhle files for divorce after day Discovering Hunter's affair with his brother's window, Hallie Biden.

February 23, 2017

Buhle attempts to freeze Hunter's assist alleging he was "spending extravagantly on..drugs,alcohol, prostitutes, strips club and gift for women.

October, 2018

Hunter lie's that he is not using drug on the purchase of a Hand gun in wilmington, Delaware. 

December, 2018

Hunter withdraws $20,000 from his daughter Maisy's 529 for prostitutes and drugs.

April, 2019

Hunter drops off his laptop at a delaware computer repair shop and never returns to pic it up, rendering the laptop the legal property of the shop's owner. 

October 12, 2020

The New York post published  the first expose of Hunter's laptops, and despite the FBI privately confirming the laptop's authenticity to Twitter,  social media giants around the world unite to censor the stort. 

January 29, 2021

A court determines Hunter owes his ex-wife more than $1.7 million in alimony legal fees and Interest.

September, 2023

Hunter Biden is indicted on tax and gun charges with less than a month remaining on the status  of limitations. 

June 3, 2023

Hunter Biden's federal gun trial begins in Delaware.

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